Well we only know it’s a cracked crystal. That’s it.
Well we only know it’s a cracked crystal. That’s it.
From the visual dictionary,
but are they comparable in quality at that point?
I feel like having the jumping off point of a functioning game engine and base art assets/audio are a HUGE boon to any project
Usually, even these high effort mods are comparatively lower effort than making a full game.
Rumor has it, the Andromeda mission was dispatched by Shepard before the end of ME3 as a fallback measure, like an Ark.
the 12gb of RAM is listed for Win10 i think which is fucking ridiculous.
yeah, you just teleport into it, and it hurts my soul
it turns Battlefront in to Mario Kart and completely ruins the experience. I enjoyed walking up to a fighter and flying away. and that’s gone now.
vehicles and advanced weapons are on the map as floating empire/rebel insignias like big torso sized holograms on the map.
too bad Battlefront is a terrible battlefront game
a small portion of the fan base believes that the countdown at ingsoc.org is part of an MGS ARG revealing an extension of the game to be released as a patch tomorrow.
it’s a shame that World of Tanks is so boring. War Thunder does tanks better IMO instead of just making them health bars you actually have to worry about killing the crew
anyone know if this fixes the ‘surrender to robin’ bug? I get out of the studio batcave and I can’t do any missions. the game is just stuck
you either end up in the ACC or at base, not sure which
you just compared a hunk of plastic that you put your cellphone in... to a marble statue hand crafted by an artist
when I was like 16
congrats, you purchased something before it’s done to get a useless piece of plastic.
Well, i mean, it can’t change now.
I thought Dinklebot was great and really enjoyed his work, it’s a shame that people don’t like it.
We already know that Quiet has other outfits.