
the ship you start out on is pretty much an exact duplicate of the nostromo. I remembered it while watching Alien the other day and it is EXACT including the exact placement of Mother (on the bridge, to the right), the passkey things they have (you use them for saving).

Some people just never have a reason to fly...

Ebola is actually really contained now. So you can get out of here with your fear mongering


His partner got screwed on this too. At the time he didn't partake in the threatening mess. BUT he did make some douchey remarks after the fact. So he isn't a saint

and the italian restaurant pizza is still not authentic.

A lot of people are butthurt over this.

Finally, a breakthrough! We determine that the three of us standing farthest away from Atheon are the ones who will be teleported. With this knowledge, we can assign three of us to act as a "home team" and the other three as an "away team," and have set roles for each team. We quickly fall into our roles and become

I'm pretty sure Kanye was the pokemon trainer in Brawl.

Spartan assault was pretty fun for a casual-style game.

I like their fairly novel approach to 1 life. No respawns makes tactical play really important which makes Rainbow 6 a great series. It places emphasis on tactical placement and planning.

this type of game draws "communicators" I remember R6: vegas had a very robust community of conversationalists for quite some time after release.

Time to hop on the "please don't suck" train.


half the content is end-game. not sure what's lacking

that said, destiny launch was FLAWLESS. the timer hit 0 on my ps4 and I hit play.

It's still a pretty good game though...

I manage to play probably 5/7 days of the week. Weekends are raid-central with my group raiding 2 or 3 times in total with various combinations of teammates.

I had all of them. every last one up until those little ball guys who had the snapping heads.

So my 970 will eat this up then.