
This looks interesting. So it's essentially a F2p Class based shooter with cosmetics

both of those questions were pretty much answered as soon as you asked them

I wish my coworkers would talk about videogames with me. The Indian lady across from me is too old to care and my young coworker only speaks Biology terms

I want some LoZ plates and I'll buy a new DS in a heartbeat.

shit, I never expected to be brought back to a 3 day old topic, but 400 ntp servers, damn.

Interesting read and unexpected.

should be online

naw man, that's too easy. Too much easy money.

Man I miss having to stack a cargo container on top of another cargo container and smashing it in to the ground so it would stay put.

I love that Bungie really listens to people on this project. So far. We'll see how long they keep it up but I expect them to be amazing throughout the process

Insane price.

Very good point. I just did quick research and flashed back to 3 years ago when I bought a drive. Shit was expensive

Very good point. I just did quick research and flashed back to 3 years ago when I bought a drive. Shit was expensive

My research shows 85 bucks. which isn't too bad.

My research shows 85 bucks. which isn't too bad.

Some guy came in to work and asked for Floppies and I was at a loss for words. You'll only find floppies online nowadays or in some REALLY special shops.

in 2001 Halo: CE took 1.2 gigs. Jesus. I forgot how small games were back then and the limitations of it.

Long answer: No. Short answer: No.

9 gigs! That's so huge! People think I have infinite hard drive space just for video games.

Then why would you purchase it day 1 (or near day 1) with the track history they've had recently?

If it's priced right, this DLC is probably some of the most content/value DLC in recent memory.