in that case, adding Xbox Icons is a waste of time and money too. Same goes with Keyboard prompts (they weren't already made when Ground Zeroes came out). Your argument is a stretch.
in that case, adding Xbox Icons is a waste of time and money too. Same goes with Keyboard prompts (they weren't already made when Ground Zeroes came out). Your argument is a stretch.
some people are oversensitive. Shit SNL uses Ninja all the damn time to skirt the issue and nobody gives a shit.
they already have the icons made, they were probably among the first assets made, it would cost a programmer something like an hour or two to implement it successfully. It's not a hard thing to do.
I could easily see them doing it for MGS it has MASSIVE support from sony in the first place and I expect them to do a proper port (i'm anticipating Ground Zeroes: PC will be a good indicator of this).
most don't but I think I ran in to one specifically that gave you a small list of icons you could choose.
Some games auto-detect what's giving input. If I sit at the menu and press "A" on my 360 controller the "Press enter" prompt changes.
I don't think it would play a cutscene like that. I think it's for dramatic effect for gameplay footage
PC with a DS4?
The highly prized goat award. Given only to two games, Goat Sim. and Phantom Pain.
We don't know the full mechanics yet. So who knows.
If I can't I'm gonna boycott.
this is gonna be a hilarious back and forth game between me and my buddy.
The ps4 appealed to my game-centric lifestyle, unlike the Xbone which offered "TV AND SPORTS GUYS!!". PS4 also came with some nice exclusives and the more tempting online service. Not to mention the more powerful hardware and lower price.
PS4 version of Black flag was phenomenal. flawless for me and fun as hell.
not according to reports I've heard. Vods are only muted in Twitch's player
bukkit for one, tekkit on the other.
I run a mumble, 2 minecraft servers and a file server on my laptop. It's just accepted its fate as a stay at home server
Stupid easy process:
I'm surprised a raspberry pi has enough ram to actually sustain an MC server. my servers eat up a shit ton of ram with 3 players
Typical community rules don't mind you borrowing pre-made content as long as you made the gif yourself (or are submitting for a friend, etc.)