I thought the same thing. If I had a bit more money I'd just send the guy a ps3 (with the composite cables, cause i doubt they;re using hdtvs) and a copy of fifa.
I thought the same thing. If I had a bit more money I'd just send the guy a ps3 (with the composite cables, cause i doubt they;re using hdtvs) and a copy of fifa.
it's worse than the psnow prices. they're like 50 cents a day.
I'm talking about the live version
I feel like this scene was very lightly rehearsed or else it would be soo much less funny for the 20th time
Ashley Johnson was losing it while Troy sang. Made it so much better
The post-stream bit was apparently an extra scene.
it would be so unnecessary.
What's happening after the stream ends? Please internet, I need to know
Firefall has had its ups and downs. Hopefully it kicks off on a good note.
I went back. fought some lvl 12 knights
It will burst... like a balloon.
halo 2 is on pc....
I was being hopeful. They're just about due for a new series. I'd rather have it sooner than later.
I'm willing to bet 800's come out as soon as they start their Assassins Creed: Unity Promo.
I'm hoping. I'm waiting for a new video card. I bet they'll start their AC: Unity promotion too.
I hope it's the 800 series. I'd order a card right then and there
I was honestly going to buy a DK 2 when I paused for a second and made an executive decision that buying one would be wasteful overall. Waiting for the market version means it'll be cheaper.