
they have a virtual conference this year though. so I think we'll see something interesting. Although nintendo doesn't announce games Waaay ahead of time like some others.

I think achievements only exist to draw players further in to a title. If Assassins Creed 4 didn't have achievements, I wouldn't play it past the end of the game (and a maybe a few side missions).

3rd party support is a HUGE issue for the Wii U, but I have a PC and a PS4 to compensate.

Damn it, how will I learn how to masturbate now?

Really? The past 2 years I've worked my ass off 7 days a week, 12 hours a day at either school or work to afford to continue to go to school and pay for my car. It's not as simple as "work more" some people are already maxed out.

Join up, it's definitely fun. Join a noob-friendly corp. and let them guide you through. In the month I played (too poor to afford it every month) I was part of nice sized combat fleet, a decently rich miner (for a 1 month old account), and well versed in the universe and well respected amongst my corp mates.

Gungans are similar to humans in lifespan

The new one takes place in 36 ABY, he was born in 52 BBY making him roughly 88 or so.

There's no way he isn't in a mocap suit. He's kind of the king of mo-cap.

I'd expect Jar Jar to be dead 50 years after episode 3

This is Trying to link my damn gifs and kotaku hates it.

no, this is a worse sin.

Well the sequence of events is pretty obvious if you watch closely. It's more of speculation but watching Olenna the whole time makes it pretty obvious

This is the point I bring up to people thinking a console will replace a computer in the long run. A decent 500 dollar computer will outstrip the SHIT out of a next-gen console for years and you can upgrade as you like on your own timetable

Sort of like how Titanfall on Xbox One and Xbox 360 aren't all too dissimilar (Titanfall looks damn decent on xbox, although it has zero antialiasing)

I expected a single jab, but no. The hound just rammed the guys face in with a knife.

Dontos has been in the background for a little while now but they haven't written him out completely. He made an appearance during the Battle of the Blackwater entertaining the women held up in Maegor's keep.

it sort of plodded along at the beginning as it worked to reintroduce characters, and set the tone for the rest of the season but I think it picked up in the latter half. I expect great things from this season, great things.

It clearly lacks the quality of my PC version, but damn am I impressed by a port.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Looks to be a decent port.