
bump up difficulty to the max.

Not full price. Think minecraft in that alpha is the cheapest. Beta is a bit more. Final is probably 60 bucks

Fallout reference. The currency of choice is bottle caps

Source is being updated all the time, just not drastically. The latest Source 1 game will be Titanfall which looks pretty good. Comparing that to HL2 it's pretty clear there's been marked improvement (HL2 isn't bad looking, but it's clearly aged)

what better way to stress test it than with a game featuring lots (quite a high number, 'lots' is subjective) of entities, explosions, players.

from an official slideshow at Steam Dev Days. This was the slide that announced the changes to the steam controller as well.

l4d is an easy flagship for a new engine. It's mostly written (code-wise). So it's relatively easy to make and show off the new engine

actually l4d3 is rumored to be the launch title for Source 2. It's fairly easy to make. Director AI is written already, zombie AI is written (for the most part). It's a good way to test the stability of an engine with a bunch of ai controlled entities and 8 player multiplayer

there are individual vigilantes who stop the psychos.

zombies are limited due to server limitations at the moment. Rocket intends to add more.

It's been long enough for me to financially recover (And I'm a poor bastard).

good point. people are hankering for PS4 titles right now.

Thief hasn't had much marketing behind it (to my knowledge).

I know for a fact they do, and it's really effective.

well, he only avoided killing in the first movie. in EVERY other one he murders a shit ton of people.

because Steam and the other targets did nothing wrong in the overall public opinion of the internet. Thus they feel that the targets were not justified.

I'm buying GTA V when it hits PC (and it will)

I miss the Blades interface.

that's my issue with these types of re-releases. If I already own them on PC there's no point of buying it for my PS4. I'll save that cash and put it in to a new video card

Use the ps4 as a games console then...