I love that ending. They shouldve used it.
I love that ending. They shouldve used it.
I'm tellin ya, it's Ricochet 2 on the next Source Engine.
Alright, I'll weigh in on this. I work in the electronics department at our local Kmart (Which has the largest games collection within 15 miles, it's depressing).
I've gotten to the point where I speed off in to the city, take a few random turns to lose them and then slow down and creep around a bit (to dodge their cone of vision) and wait for it to end.
GTA V has an ass ton more than 4. It's kind of awesome.
Hi! I'm Trevor and this is Jackass!
I don't see a reason for it not to work at launch. All you need to do is snag the HDMI output and record it.
I feel like the possibility of "Battlefield moments" will be a huge draw.
The PC version is gonna be so sexy this time though, I would wait the month (my estimate) in between.
it seems like more destruction, but not as extreme as bad company. BFBC was entirely levelled play areas which turned out to be kind of less fun.
it doesn't mean anything. Everyone can get in the beta on the 4th. you will definitely be in on the 1st if you preordered digital deluxe, have bf3 premium or MoH: Warfighter.
battlepack items are mostly asthetic though. They're not game-changers from what I've seen.
I think BF4 will hit the esports scene pretty well. It's got nice balance and a good tactical aspect. I look forward to it.
I never expected the console version to be phenomenal. there was just so many compromises made. If you get a chance to play the beta on PC then I would. 3 beta was amazing for me because I got to test the limits of my rig too.
depends on your platform. if you fulfill the criteria (BF3 Premium, preorder, etc.) it should show up either on Origin or you should just be able to download it from the console's store.
waiting for GTA V PC. so it's not really a problem.
64 players on most battlefield maps is necessary to actually feel like the map is populated.
in-game shot looks average at best. Gotta love bullshots
Well, there is a big difference between 8 years ago, and now. But I get what you're saying