"Gust" isn't working at the gamestop site.
"Gust" isn't working at the gamestop site.
I think that just means that EA auto-splits the money as you choose. They basically forfeit it to your whim.
I'll throw win8 on my server build that's comin up. until then I'll stick with what works
I wasn't in to mobas until recently and numpad would likely suffice, you'd just need to be really good at memorizing what key does what, 4 abilities, 3 numpad keys in a row. not the best fit.
it just fucks my entire gaming ecosystem. How does one navigate a shooter without ready access to all the keys that are right next to WASD
even at medium graphics it's better than the console version
consoles run at low 72op 30fps. The difference is night and day.
I bought the bundle and gave away the keys to my friends
that's what I can't understand. I get being lefty, I do it every day, but I can't get using a PC lefty. There's no way I'd be able to compete in games at the level that I do.
Off-topic a bit, I'm left-handed but use a mouse right-handed. How do people game with a lefty mouse?
Stop tryin to bring me down man.
I want one of these. Unit 01 is the bomb.
I'm one of those "All or nothing" guys when it comes to choosing a platform for my games.
I can't stand the functionality behind Win8. I'm holding on to 7 until I absolutely have to upgrade to 8 for gaming purposes (Like Fallout 4 being a Win8 exclusive or something)
I have win7 on my gaming rig, win 7 on my gaming laptop on win8 on my cheapo school laptop which can't run spark.
I've said it once, I'll say it again.
God, the Too Human demo was so... sub-par.
They can do that
it still had to be plugged in, so no one knew if it was truly "off"
it's not a huge deal, I have a windows 8 laptop (not my call, really). It just sucks with anything really. It's just meant as a homework laptop. My gaming tower is windows 7 and I really want to play this.