My friends and I have a pet theory that they're all in space.
My friends and I have a pet theory that they're all in space.
I just finished a Lost rewatch and those flashbacks threw me right back on to that island. All it was missing was the woosh sound.
Ramsay Bolton took offence.
multiple misunderstandings here. I thought they meant it changed for all releases.
I like Stealth Bastard better.
you mean the season we just concluded?
IRL = In Real Legos?
If they gave me a choice to be offline, I wouldn't mind a game with some strong focus in Always-online.
roughly. you can import custom models and such, some people make porn wit hit.
Yes. There are a ton of modes, mostly community made.
The main title is the the theme song/credits/Title Card of a show.
Ridiculousness. It's a fun game to dick around in plus like a million custom multiplayer gamemodes.
In previous years wallets would melt. Relationships were ruined, cats and dogs lived together. It was anarchy. This is pretty tame, but it's not bad.
Blood Dragon is a ridiculous game, in a good way. It takes all those hilarious 80's tropes about the future and bundles them in to a glorious game.
not sure if the game relies on a food system, if it's growable or salvageable.
I like the concept. It's a different art style (so people can't get butt-hurt about it) and with a bit of refinement could be a bit of fun. although a spike bit around your whole house seems like an insta-win.
We've still got the Winter Sale to look forward to.
No clue.
Never got the appeal of Football manager. Not even gonna consider it tomorrow.
MOST of the orders.