
I understand your point in that it seems like a simplistic empty promise, but I disagree. I think there are a lot of things the government COULD realistically do (universal healthcare, infrastructure repair, actually protecting civil rights, abolishing the death penalty for all or most cases) but they don’t for one

Certain parts of Ohio are completely gorgeous, others are a flat hellscape.

They’re so apocalyptic about EVERYTHING—from religion to democrats even being allowed to vote. Hopefully dems elsewhere are similarly fired up and will be voting in numbers soon (even if it is for a bunch of milquetoast-centrist Milhouse Van Houtens).

Night in the Woods on switch and loving it

Melting down over being mildly and accurately called out for probably the first time in their privileged lives.

That sounds about right. Too many red districts even without the wacky district shapes to make much of a difference. Still not a negative move though, especially compared to the other legislation the house passes.

To me, it seems like the safer bet after seeing how the PA supreme court ruled.

Nonpartisan commission would be ideal, but I’ll take bipartisan in Ohio when I can get it.

I think a major reason this is being done (seemingly a miracle) now is due to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling. They don’t want to have to deal with the ramifications if that ruling takes wider precedence and have to redistrict in like a week or something. Plus it’s possible we will elect a dem governor next year.