
Wow, a TV? Mashed dongers typically destroy keyboards.

I think a sexual experience becomes an event when spectators are present.

Jesus loved his sandals almost as much as he loves his followers, but even he can’t support someone who wears sandals with socks.

After yesterday’s performance, the Mets may be looking to put the rest of their pitching staff on the DL too.

Came here for this, and was prepared to leave it myself if I didn’t find it.

Guess they’re already embracing the Vegas lifestyle.

I want to hate this comment, but I can’t.

We spend all these years fighting African Pirates, and now we’re supposed to celebrate them?

I’m only surprised this didn’t happen ... Sooner.

This is the worst Bridge-water collapse in Minnesota in 10 years.

This is the most compelling story involving an African pirate since Captain Phillips.

Too bad Jeets blew so much cash on gift baskets.

Meanwhile, the Browns are preparing to out-Browns themselves by blowing their first pick on a guy who will be in jail before training camp begins.

“The sliver of good news in this baffling exhibition is that MoMo will be wearing headgear.”

As a Buckeyes fan, I demand a full criminal investigation.

Mad Bum(mer) from this Giants fan.

Am I the only one who’s a little tired of Gronk’s antics? Maybe I’m just insanely jealous of him, but enough already.

A true Patriot would visit the White House.

Think of all the money Jerry Jones wasted having Hernandez’s next contract typed up.

Teddy was always known for being a big pushover.