No way that’d be a catch if he was playing the Patriots.
No way that’d be a catch if he was playing the Patriots.
This seems like the opposite of the United situation. Everyone knows you have to drop your stroller at the door before boarding the plane and this lady freaked out about it. She seems like a total drama queen.
So this explains a little bit why his and embiid’s foot injuries were taking longer to heal since they were both still growing so much
Hey Internet, this is basically Lolo Jones’ story as well, but you’ve treated her like utter shit on social media. Please don’t repeat that behavior for these girls.
Haha, everyone knows the best sports city is Des Moines
Haven’t checked a box score yet, but how did he get the 27th out?
I used to design college apparel and had to deal with university’s licensing departments all the time, so the best part of this to me is that the Maryland licensing department actually put their stamp of approval on the design.
When is Burneko going to find another bed to shit? Easily the least pertinent writer on this site.
Swipe fees are 2.9% + $0.30, so if a gallon of gas is $3, the $0.10 fee is right in line with swipe fees.