
Facebook isn’t really under an obligation to be unbiased though. If people think that the reality that facebook is the reality outside of it, that’s kind of their problem.

Facebook is a private company, as are all of our websites that share news. They can supreme or promote whichever views they like. They can also fuck themselves too.

Did they suppress conservative news or conservative “news”? Because if all they did is not repeat all the BS anti-science press releases or Bhengazi reports and other things that conservative pass off as “news” I’m okay with that

SO the guy complaining about a bias against conservative news is a conservative? Quelle surprise.

I voted for him in the primary, but now will support Clinton. I agree the majority will support her too, but I’d just hate to see a Trump presidency. Not taking any chances.

Some of his supporters. And not a majority of them either. My best friends are Sanders supporters and they realize the danger of Trump just fine. Bernie would make an excellent Secretary of Labor (and give him lattitude to push for a nationwide $15 minimum if he can do it). I used to think maybe Treasury Secretary,

Oh I’m aware! Bernie isn’t the issue. Bernie’s supporters who would rather pout and stay home than vote against Dump are the problem.

Bernie has already said “Yes, we do agree on a number of issues, and by the way, on her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and president than the Republican candidate on his best day”, so hopefully he’ll keep saying that.


Americans should also make it easier to vote so we can vote for more women and more people of color for state legislatures and Congress.

Trudeau levels of diversity or bust!

Freedom of expression is only protection from the gov’t. If Reddit wanted to ban all mentions of the color red they could and there wouldn’t be anything we could do about it beyond complain or leave.

What I'd like to see is a Secretary of the Interior who's a Native American (I'd ideally like to see a Native American President, but baby steps), a Muslim Secretary of State, and a Secretary of Defense of Arab descent.

Starting with Rachel Maddow. She'd make an awesome press secretary.

Oswald is kinda of like a white-guy Richard Pryor to me. He’s really honest about his own personal failings, and really funny about them, and I think that makes us feel closer to him.

Can they just fire him at this point? I don’t know if it’s pride getting in the way, but he’s been daring it for months, maybe even years, now. There’s no way he forgot about ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner an award last summer.

Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.

This is me, except that I have a strong preference for Bernie over Hillary. However, if Hillary wins the primary (and surely she will), I am absolutely casting my ballot for her. I’m not saying that Hillary is a rabid porcupine, but I am saying that I would vote for a rabid porcupine with glee before I would opt out

Elizabeth Warren is the president i want

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over