
Sounds like the restaurants closure was ... *puts on sunglasses*

Now playing

Guys, everyone's picking on this guy, I'm just impressed he's been acquainted with Denis Leary for more than 20 years, because this song is CLEARLY written about him.

Show of hands: who else Googled Mitchum-Humpsterfumper Disease?

Thank you Pinkham for bringing up our story and have a great sense of humor.

OH GOD! Phish Food is da motha' fucking BOOOOMB!

is no one else thinking what kind of BAMF scar that would have left?

She does NOT make monogrammed coffee thermoses. Other people make them FOR her.

Turtle Killer! Qu'est-ce que c'est. Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better. Run run run run run run run away.

"Great food but chef is not friendly. Would not go back. 2 stars." -ClaytonD23

"gluten free idiots" is my speciality. I will happily lend my 4 years worth of bakery experience to this category. Keep me posted.

But you won our hearts with your writing - and I think I speak for everyone here when I say MOAR!!!

Sort of a funny story (not really) just happened:

What, you bigshot, you can't take fifteen minutes out of your busy lawsuit schedule to chip some tartar off someone's gumline? Maybe if law offices would give back a little bit to the community people wouldn't hate lawyers so much.

I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus for the chance to see Pinkham rip apart the Precious Snowflakes who feel it is their sacred duty to defend belligerent asshole customers one last time before the year is over. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

No, but you definitely get to be snotty about someone who ate an entire ream of paper because they didn't realize they were chewing paper.

You should do a follow up piece listing all the stories that received the most vigorous defenses, so then we can laugh at the idiots in the original stories, as well as the idiots agreeing with them.

I was in Atlantic City for an evening of fine dining

They chose the wrong lightcycle. Tron Legacy's was neat, but the original was still the best.