
I can't wait to see this bullshit pop up over and over again in the coming weeks as troglodytes who don't actually read any news (can't trust the (((MSM))), yano) keep getting fed that delightful MS Paint conspiracy theory on Facebook and taking it as gospel.

That was pretty much the icing on the shitty trumpcake.

It's definitely possible. I wonder, though, if it's comforting to think that many/most of them are disingenuous trolls from elsewhere doing this for a little extra money, because then we don't have to think about the fact that the nice woman who delivers our mail or our cool boss actually goes home and just posts

I just don't have much time to do anything more than laugh at idiots like you. I like that you at least found a reputable journal, even if it doesn't actually back up what you're saying beyond "OH BUT THERE COULD BE FRAUD".

lol You can't be fucking serious.

Trump's America, apparently.

Aaaaand he responds with links to fake news sites. Holy shit. You can't make this up.

Look at all the angry Trumpalos!

I was really just indicating that Christmas would be awkward this year.

I mean I told my brother he was a piece of shit for voting for Trump and asked him if he thought about the fact that he wanted to take away civil rights from our gay sister. He said he just didn't think the guy would win. I dunno anymore.

Just saying what we're all thinking.


When you see only one set of handprints? That was when your transdimensional clone baby carried you.


This. It's super comforting to think that to say the shit that Trump says makes you crazy, but it simply isn't true. A bigot isn't crazy. Wrong, but not crazy. And that's way scarier.

This, basically. "This is going to be really hard" signaled the challenge that introspection can come when someone tries to honestly examine their biases and broader worldview. I find it hard to read it any other way.

What the unholy fuck is going on here?

I still maintain it should be called "cybersports", but fuck it.

I've enjoyed the first two episodes well enough and look forward to this as I continue to put off shampooing my carpets.

Sorry, I really wasn't trying to come across that way. It just sounded funny in my head especially in the voice of Rutger Hauer. Should have said our magical internet points. It will suck to lose our comment history, tho, I agree.