
Twitter has the power to potentially stop World War 3 and they choose not too because it’s great publicity for them.

Yeah, fuck this. If a nuclear war does break out because of Dolt45's twitter bullshit, all of Twitter is just as much to blame because they’re giving this jackass a fucking soapbox where he can regurgitate whatever thoughtless drivel that bubbles out of the bile that is his brain at a moment’s notice. If he had to go

But all the brown and white parts are touching each other. /s

35 years of GOP media manipulations, deregulation and mass media consolidation spearheaded by Rush Limbaugh hate radio.

I think it’s interesting how these “alt-right” people are anti-PC, yet they insist that they are not white supremacists, but “white nationalists.”

The only Baked Alaska I care about

Once Trump has been impeached, removed from office, and imprisoned, here are a few words and expressions I never, ever want to hear again:

Well at least he’s right about one thing. Don’t get me wrong. I love coming here and reading the articles. But I wouldn’t exactly call Giz a news outlet. It’s a glorified blog filled with more opinion than fact.

This is what happens when iPhone users write articles about Android. Samsung has all these features and since most Android users have these features Android users are not looking at fucking iPhone with envy. Can iPhone do half the shit Samsung can? Nope.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

I feel terrible for the parents and I can’t imagine their desperation. Meanwhile, my disgust at 45's posturing just reached a new level, especially given the grotesque irony of his attempts to decimate health care, vilify and silence scientists, and so forth - you know, the kinds of things that allow people to receive

Honestly, Queen Elizabeth could teach a master class on shade. She can throw shade effortlessly and without saying a word. She doesn’t have to resort to social media to do it either. Charles, William and Kate have a lot to learn before they could come close to filling her shoes. Kate is good at smiling, looking

I’ve heard that up to half the ballots cast were absentee. I wonder if it would have been different if that had not happened. Honestly, I’m in a red state and for us, the Republicans have gerrymandered it so tightly that they have control of everything. I’m in Joe Wilson’s district in SC. Columbia itself is not