undocumented shirker

I remember seeing the movie adaptation on TV and feeling rather frightened that I could be reduced to a pile of powder by a dehydration ray.

How can you not mention King Tut? He was my favorite. A big fat academic who had amnestic episodes in which he became a super-villain but remembered none of it when he recovered? And what DID ever happen to the Bat-Tusi?

How can you not mention King Tut? He was my favorite. A big fat academic who had amnestic episodes in which he became a super-villain but remembered none of it when he recovered? And what DID ever happen to the Bat-Tusi?

Do you keep them in the shed because you are still afraid someone might find them and bust you? Or do you keep all your comics in the shed? Aren't you afraid they'll get damp and moldy out there? Or are you ashamed to have comics in the house at all? So much unspoken here.

Do you keep them in the shed because you are still afraid someone might find them and bust you? Or do you keep all your comics in the shed? Aren't you afraid they'll get damp and moldy out there? Or are you ashamed to have comics in the house at all? So much unspoken here.

It's a great excuse. Rightous and self-serving at the same time. Like, I refuse to get a job until there is full employment for everyone.

It's a great excuse. Rightous and self-serving at the same time. Like, I refuse to get a job until there is full employment for everyone.

Don't forget the Coats and the Serbs. Oh and I think Detroit may have a few people of, can you believe it, African decent. 

Don't forget the Coats and the Serbs. Oh and I think Detroit may have a few people of, can you believe it, African decent. 

I'm going to guess that when he gets there, the dying woman looks at him and says something like, "Oh, I had you mixed up with that other guy in the office. Sorry. Thanks anyway for coming, but I'm pretty tired right now. Could you please shut the light off when you go? Thanks."

I'm going to guess that when he gets there, the dying woman looks at him and says something like, "Oh, I had you mixed up with that other guy in the office. Sorry. Thanks anyway for coming, but I'm pretty tired right now. Could you please shut the light off when you go? Thanks."

Yeah I liked that bizarre contradiction, too. I also wondered if "cunt fucker" was a very well thought out insult.

Yeah I liked that bizarre contradiction, too. I also wondered if "cunt fucker" was a very well thought out insult.

How do we know they are cold blooded? Maybe they agonize over it? Maybe there are whole groups of orca vegans who go around trying to get by eating seaweed until they get so sick and hungrey they sneak off and eat a fish when nobody's looking. They they get all consumed with guilt and go pray to their orca god and beg

How do we know they are cold blooded? Maybe they agonize over it? Maybe there are whole groups of orca vegans who go around trying to get by eating seaweed until they get so sick and hungrey they sneak off and eat a fish when nobody's looking. They they get all consumed with guilt and go pray to their orca god and beg

Maybe in a grand musical about Washington leading up to the creation of the Iraq war.

Maybe in a grand musical about Washington leading up to the creation of the Iraq war.

Mawkish malt-shop STANDARDS? You mean faux-mawkish malt-shop PARODIES, right?

Mawkish malt-shop STANDARDS? You mean faux-mawkish malt-shop PARODIES, right?

If you ever meet me, feel free to spout off all you want. Now I'm going to have to go listen to "Toxic".