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    Tower Burger KFC in Portugal, Netherlands and almost all of europe

    In Lisbon last year we tipped our apartment maid by handing her 60 euro, we heard from local friends that average salary might be 20-30 euro a day. Lisbon was surprisingly cheap to vacation in, eg. we filled up a grocery basket to the brim for 5-persons, what I guesstimated to cost 120$ in the US ended up being 35

    I got this a few times. I used to have panic attacks but went to a CBT psychologist and so when the panic comes I “observe it” from inside my body - sort of like a nature documentary, listing the sensations, the logic, the facts... and for sleep paralysis I decided on a mantra from Kill Bill “Wiggle your big toe” and

    How did everybody miss this... women have lactobacilli in their vagina as normal flora, men do not have a use for lactobacilli in their genitals