
Yeah, I had the same problems with this one. It was an hour of people being awful and yelling each other and then like 10 minutes of shit happening, when it really should have been the other way around. It might also have been better if there actually had been some tension in whether or not the one brother was telling

I just moved to the West Coast last year and I hear Bon Jovi on the radio pretty frequently.

It would probably involve feeding some of his fingers to a lobster.

Hmmm… yeah I'd say that all clunks solid.

I stopped reading after he said that the show rings hollow.

That sword fight was hilarious. Apparently everyone in this universe carries swords around in their pants.


Chance The Rapper is clearly the best name on this list.

I assume what happened is somebody came up with the "Swedes like death metal" joke. Then later someone came up with the Judas Priest joke, not realizing that Judas Priest isn't death metal, and nobody bothered to correct it.

Yeah that was weird. I assume they did it so they could do that "Respecting The Law" joke which kind of ruined the whole gag.

I totally forgot there was a fourth one until a few months ago when I remembered bits and pieces of it and realized they weren't from the first 3 movies. I was shocked, I have a pretty good memory and it was only like a year ago, I just could not accept that there were four of these movies and that I saw all four of

I don't know if people take it as seriously as Tool, but they do still take it far too seriously.

Death isn't going to stop them from finding out what movies he'd pick for a 24-hour film fest.

The only thing Avatar really had going for it were the cutting edge visuals. It blew people away in theaters, but then when they watched it at home it wasn't as impressive.

Fuck yeah!

I didn't realize 3D and CGI were characters.

Good on Erik for sitting through those commercials so he could write this review for us.

I assume he was referring to the Sunday dinners Gemma use to put together in the first season. At least I think she did that.

I'm pretty sure Jax is probably going to kill Tara next week. Considering how many of the plot lines this season have involved the club killing a mother, I imagine that's where they're going to go with this one. Jax killing another mother because she was a problem for him and the club is probably going to be what