
All your high school English teachers under 35 grew up on Harry Potter.

Passing a Publix is your first fucking mistake.

What the shit how is this a surprise to anyone?

And Catch-22 was fucking tremendous. I don't give a shit, I still fucking love those guys, even after Kalnoky left.

I remember some of them even having DO NOT PAY MORE THAN FIVE DOLLARS FOR THIS CD stickers on them.

THINKPIECE: Obama killed pop-punk. NOFX et al had a nice thing going during the Bush years with the whole "Not My President" gimmick, but along comes this new POTUS that's this cool guy and welp - now it's the Ted Nugents and the Charlie Danielses that are on the "Not My President" bandwagon.

God, the motherfucking Decepticonz.


Oh, I agree. I'm increasingly inclined towards some version of "Tyrion lets Jaime escape as a thank-you for letting HIM escape King's Landing and ends up on the outs with Dany", a situation which DEFINITELY ends with Bronn dead as shit, assuming he didn't get away when Jaime was captured.

Yeah, I guess someone who is better versed in dragon physiology should field this one. Given that these dragons effectively have six limbs, our usual understanding of anatomy is kind of out the window….

With that kind of loading mechanism AND a dual axis pivot - Qyburn's gonna invent a fucking helicopter next.

As neither a doctor nor a veterinarian, I defer to your judgment.

Tormund, but he probably dies next week.

"Dickon Manwoody" and "Uther Shett" are proof that Martin is just fucking with us now.


Having Dani execute Bronn would be a real heel turn for the viewers, especially if it's against Tyrion's advice.

When Drogon landed it looked like he caught it in the… bicep, I guess? Upper wing muscle.

Robert was also not a very smart man.

Ninja skills plus "I have a list of people I want to kill. I've killed most of them."

Bronn rolled natural 20s on every single saving throw. Damndest thing I've ever seen.