
"Please come to my tree. I have a Sega and Meera will order us a pizza. It is a very nice tree."

I think she made her problem pretty goddamn clear. Her brother and Hodor and Summer all died, and the best Bran can manage is "thank you for your service"?

He knows. He just realizes it's part of the plan.

Well, they CARE, but not that much. I'm going to be VERY interested to see what happens with IT and if they bring back McConaghey for the The Stand adaptation that's supposed to happen…

Here's the weirdest thing about this adaptation - it ISN'T the truncation of 4500 pages to 90 minutes, that was common pre-Potter/LOTR - it's the entire shift in genre.

The Barber book has its moments. The latest couple LL issues felt like a return to form IMO, especially the last one with Nautica & friends.

Furman hell. Call up the current IDW creative team.

Transformers really can be good, y'all. It can. The current crop of comics range from "surprisingly good" to "seriously, why aren't you reading this?!"

He saw how well Takei is doing with his social media enterprise (oho!) and decided to run the ball in the opposite direction.

After seven years of coming up short, maybe she's finally got the hang of it. Her kids were her one weakness and that weakness is removed.

All true, but Littlefinger is IIRC just the regent for Robin, the trueborn heir.

He looks like bad fan art of Adam Driver.

A friend suggested that there's a turncoat in Dany's ranks. TVDW suggested that maybe Cersei HAS been paying attention all along and is in fact the most Tywin of all Tywin's children.

And comes back with a top hat and "MAYOR" sash like in old movies.

I feel like I've been on this trip since… at LEAST the end of last season, maybe a bit earlier than that?

I mean, on one level I can see why Bran is bummed out - I think he WANTS to be at the Wall to prepare them for what is coming, but they were all "yeah, this is no place for a crippled lordling and a swamp rat, send him home to his sister."

Also, shoutout to your avi for catching Cersei and Jaime in the altogether this episode

Next episode, Melly Sanders is straight up Mayor of Volantis.

y'all have more faith in the banking industry than i do.

He's still the Warden of the Vale.