
It just seems weird because it's a Game of Thrones joke EVERY episode as opposed to one per season for ten years…

I've sort of taken it to be some kind of device for measuring or recording pain levels. Something to do with the experiment.

Nah, it wasn't accurate enough for him. "No, no. Is not how ultra-violence is done."

this is the exact reason this book rules. you want that kind of international potboiler shit, Tom Clancy is over there waiting for you. This is an adventure book that happens to feature soldiers, like the old DC Weird War Stories books, but for today.

1: FINALLY AVC gets around to the IDW Hasbro books. They're doing some solid work within the confines of the licenses. More Than Meets the Eye was legitimately great comics, and this is a hell of a lot of fun.

So play New Vegas instead. New Vegas rules.

RE: uncontrolled emotional responses - I always talk about X-Men for the Genesis, but the goddamned Mojoworld level. You beat Mojo, he dies, and then a countdown begins.

Yeah, it reveals canon fates for Ian and Dogmeat (gets vaporized at Mariposa).

Interstate '76, which ran on the same engine as MWII, did the same thing. The manual was a fake driver's ed manual with Post-It notes stuck on the pages, photos of characters paper-clipped inside, and hand-written comments in the margins.

The PC version of Terminator came with a sheet that was printed on a dark red paper, so if you tried to photocopy it, it came out solid black.

The blood type thing is a very Japanese-specific concept. Over there blood types are sort of like zodiac signs. Type A's are like this, Type O's are like that, etc.

It's also INCORRECT.

IIRC the "bullet time" required some kind of elaborate camera rig that had a risk of smashing your shit if you moved while it was operating.

That's something I was thinking about with the new season - how some of the film choices seem to echo or mirror or reflect kind of "archetypal" MST3K films. You've got your cheapo Italian genre flick, a couple of Kaiju movies, a 70s schlockfest, an 80s low-budget-post-Spielberg "kid's movie" that's actually creepy as

You're right. I, uh, fucked up the timeline. Heh.

Wow, man, an action movie where the hero is an idiot? That's unthinkable!

That's the thing - when this movie came out, my understanding from Wiki etc is that it was pretty legitimately successful. We got shows like "The Time Tunnel" as a knock on (and maybe, maybe, Doctor Who?)

Which is really strange in comparison to the very Upper Midwest atmosphere of the original.

A bit parallel to what Animaniacs would do a little later, yeah….

Cinematic Titanic did a blaxploitation film, which I don't think MST3K or Rifftrax have ever tried, much to my dismay.