
Only on ep 4, but the lack of references to weird Midwest stores I've never heard of is strangely jarring.

Yeah, that seems right. I appreciate the legwork you've done here. This is probably the most anyone has thought or cared about this movie since the week it was released!

That guy was a pretty well-known character actor. He played the snobbish "Reggie"-type on Dobie Gillis, and spent the rest of his career playing mostly upright foppish assholes.

That IS conspicuously absent. Not a single Menard's joke!

Ehhhh. There's also a Column C which was "Netflix will do it but you have to put some names in there…" and maybe a Column D where "when someone as well known as Patton Oswalt says 'hey, I really want to do this' you listen."

You're doing God's work, Colonel. Your nation and her commentariat salute you.

Right. Stuff like "This Island Earth" and, uh…. one of the early ones where the astronauts get stranded? Those movies were pretty well-regarded in their day - and This Island Earth has sorta been retconned into the Universal Monsters canon via the Mutant (which is still a cool costume).

When I realized that the bumpers were instrumental arrangements of classic MST songs (arranged by the guy who wrote the classic theme music) I came around on them a bit.

UH EXCUSE ME but you're supposed to BOLD the name of the site in that recurring gag, fucking amateur!

Have friends?

I would love for them to revisit "City On Fire", a cheesy disaster made-for-TV flick starring a pre-Airplane! Leslie Nielsen. It was a KTMA episode, so I don't know if they'd want to do it again, but wow, "City on Fire" is awful.

It tromp. He learn wrote good from tromp. Tromp bigly good.

It feels like they may have cut some stuff for time? I refuse to believe that the entire "rival ice skaters" storyline just ends abruptly with them both dying in the avalanche. There has to be a cut d-plot where they work together to do something or the other, you know?

Time Travelers is also genuinely conceptually interesting in a "whitebread 50s sci-fi" way. It's not exactly good, but it's not really a BAD movie either, just slow and kind of outpaced by like, everything that's happened since then in time travel movies.

It's a natural place to pause and get a snack!

I completely and inexplicably love an early first-season one where they're doing some kind of bizarre "Midwest barbershop" thing. Crow is cutting Joel's hair and they're all talking about how a tractor ran over someone and oh yah that's too bad dontchaknow, oh yah his sister married that doctor…

"They hit a layer of Stretch Armstrongs!"

And it wasn't for you in the first place.

Ah yes. The "they changed it, now it sucks" crowd has arrived.

Yup. Assuming this thing has wings, my kid is gonna grow up a Jonah fan. He's almost the age I was when I first discovered MST.