
It sounds like they did ADR for the riffing - like "okay, Jonah, you've got to get this line in under 8 seconds…. and go!"

A couple. They didn't do it in S1 - apparently a new Kroger opened in the town where Rectify was filmed, giving them access to Georgia beers.

Fair enough, although in that case I'd still expect to see the same outcome. Maybe we just get to see it happen in this version.

I wonder if the show's version of Gilead doesn't have its own Ben Carsons and Allen Wests….

found the shitposter, everyone

Replace "society" with "the stock market" and "scientists and engineers" with "pharmaceutical companies" and I think we're in the clear.

mike pence's self-insertion fanfic

They would also be responsible for investigating crimes committed under their jurisdiction. So when the pastor fucks a 17 year old congregant, welp, we didn't find anything, sorry!

I find myself torn between my abiding love for Samira Wiley and wanting to see her in high-profile roles and my dismay that this adaptation is apparently going to paper over the heavily implied white supremacist nature of Gilead found in the novel.

I haven't watched Survivor since I was required to for work (whatever season Pappy English was on, way back in 2002-ish?) and just clicked through to see what the big deal was?

Wait, Fox News isn't going to stick up for his free expression and right to publicly declare his faith?!

He converted.

Or a parishioner is sexually assaulted and the entire thing is swept under the rug.

It's hilarious, because EVERY FUCKING DECADE Marvel talked hot shit about how the movies were gonna happen Real Soon.

I wouldn't mind checking back in at the end of 2018 if need be.

I think Blade and Matrix both get waved through for the sheer impact they had on everything that came after. Blade showed that superhero movies are still viable, and it's proooobably the best all-around Action Hero performance of Snipes' career. It also put a lot of the groundwork down that The Matrix would follow,

There's always an inlet or a fjord!

You mean like the actual lawsuit that came up around the League movie, where some other guy claimed he'd pitched a film that was pretty similar but also featured Tom Sawyer as a secret agent?

Was it All-Star Superman that condensed the origin down to like, four or five panels with two words each? "Doomed planet. Last hope. Crash landing. Kind couple."

Ryan Reynolds, at the time, was "a poor man's Jason Lee" in my mind.