
Man, Danny Trejo AND Al Leong as henchmen? That's fucking amazing.

Pretty much exactly that. What the FUCK.

You'd have to buy it out from under the Scandinavian video game company that basically just bought it for the IP.

I think in official Marvel Lore he just ages really slowly so they can do period pieces where it's the 70s and he's more-or-less the same as when he shows up in current books.

I'm not kidding when I say my seven-year-old is almost as good a reader as Trump is, at least when it comes to sounding poised when reading words off a page. If my kid had a slightly bigger vocabulary, it'd be a push.

I got a GLOW notification for this?

Wait, wait - what happens when you go Super Sonic?

Right?! I saw a couple of bus stop ads for this one around town and was like "There's no way this movie doesn't have at least one sequence involving a dramatic acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior."

Seriously. Our hometown high school did a Beauty and the Beast production a while back and yeah, the costumes are kind of chintzy, but it's high school theater.

wow man shitting on community theater for having no fucking budget is the hottest of hot takes, AVClub.

"Ho ho, ho…."

"Heeeeellter Skelter, dooby dooby doo!"

"Look out, they'll be reaching speeds of two!"

A friend of mine from grad school got a job at Castleton. I told her she had to watch "Time Chasers" before she left town.

Yeah, there's not many genuinely bad S1 movies, although The Corpse Vanishes fucking drags at times.

I have a soft spot for Weinstein, partially because I'm of the rare breed who discovered MST3K in his era (MSTie number 997, baby), and partially because I realized years later that he wasn't even old enough to smoke and he was hanging with guys who had been on SNL, for fuck's sake.


See also: Untamed Youth, one of my favorite early episodes that then turned into a real-life scandal sixty years later!

It really was nice of him to give that dead woman her job back, though.

Giant Spider Invasion you fucking heathen.