
You better HIIIIIIDE (your proxy server)

Time Chasers is a pretty good lead-in mostly by virtue of it being a reasonably watchable low-budget sci-fi flick without the MST3K treatment.

Yeah. I've heard anecdotally that some of the ATL scene were into Nuwabian stuff while it was down here, too.

Observation: for a decade or two, the "minor league" of NASCAR was sponsored by Busch, making it the literal "Busch Leagues".

Five Percenters at least make some good music. RZA and GZA took their names from Fiver thought.

I think the Nuwabians also used a variation on that theme - but they were profoundly weird even by Black Nationalist standards.

Hey now, I got a Smash Mouth notification for this?

I pretty much consistently go with "dick@dickbutt.com"

The term you're looking for is "push poll", friend.

It's apparently "like Monopoly, but once all the properties are bought there's a last-ditch attempt to fire-sale stuff/make as much money as possible" session, which actually sounds fun as shit.


Yeah, since exhuming the corpse of Phillip Seymour Hoffman and operating it as a grotesque puppet is probably a felony.

i know, medieval times is so nasty

only to those pornos where it's like eight black dudes and a white chick, tho.

pfft, like Steve Bannon would have contact with his kids.

That's fucked up, because they don't want a careful, measured, leader who makes decisions with grace and in the best interest of the people, they want Big Daddy who's gonna spank the Bad Hombres and put all those uppity blacks and gays in Time Out.

I don't know who on the SNL cast is able to pull that off - I mean besides the obvious "have Moynihan or Bryant do it 'cause they're Of Size" despite the fact that neither one of them is remotely capable of giving it a suitable level of loathsome menaceā€¦.

I'm completely serious when I say "getting caught" is a bigger sin to Trump than actually engaging in what is more-or-less a little light treason.

Shit, I'd pay really good money to see Trump done Muppet-style, with someone under the desk operating him. Everyone else is real people, but Trump is just a Muppet.

nah it's cool. you pay to go to Mara Lago, you get to see the President do national security shit at dinner. It's like Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament, except in this version the Black Knight fuckin' launches nukes at China.