
There's a line from his conversation with Georgie, I think, where Trey referred to Hanna in a manner that implied she was alive the last time they saw her.

Childhood dog.

RECTIFY BEER WATCH: Teddy and Bobby bond over a couple bottles of Terrapin Hopsecutioner (Athens, GA), while the sheriff offers Jon a Jailhouse Misdemeanor Ale (Hampton, GA).

oh, hell yes. That makes perfect sense.



There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Yeah. The implication is that he does something in the barn to "wake her up inside."

oh fuck that's awesome.

It seems more elegant in a "No, fuck you, Dolores" way - she doesn't even get credit for her great uprising, and her sweet boyfriend gets to become a perpetrator instead of a defender.

We've seen bits and bobs of her in the now timeline, starting with the MiB dragging her into the barn, and then occasionally cutting to those moments where she was with someone "a second ago" but is now alone - the train ride with Logan and Billy immediately comes to mind. Any time she goes from being with other

I'm guessing that was the rampage in which Dolores killed Arnold, presumably some other employees, and several of the other hosts, possibly with assistance from Teddy.

I think this is exactly it. The original rampage was Dolores gaining consciousness, rising up against the park overlords.

I'm going with a slight variant on this idea - Teddy was the sheriff host and was sent out to stop Dolores's rampage. His memories of shooting fleeing civilians are a result of having to dispatch "malfunctioning" hosts.

Ford has absolutely no compassion for the hosts, so why would he give a fuck?


In the now-timeline, the encounter with MiB in the pilot (MiB kills Teddy, drags Dolores into the barn) is the predicating moment - he says something like "let's go back to the beginning…" and then it cuts to the kinda-past with William.

I would bet money that some of Wyatt's gang are among that number as well - they didn't DIRECTLY try to kill MiB, but they left him in a situation where he almost certainly could die.

it's all strangely reminiscent of another show that was a reboot of a beloved sci-fi franchise in which robots which could pass for human tried to revolt against their creators and then the audience bitched about how bullshit the big reveals and ending were….