
One of my favorite NYC Hipster things happened about eight-ten years ago now, a "Warriors Bike Ride" where everyone dressed as faux-Warriors gangs and rode bikes from the park to Coney Island.

Bennett shouldn't have entered into the relationship in the first place. First off, it's unprofessional and inherently inappropriate for a screw to be involved with an inmate. I put everything that happened between them on his shoulders, as his goddamn job was Not Fucking An Inmate.

aren't you precious

I swear to fucking god, the commenters here have come up with a half-dozen better "purge" plots than the actual films managed.

The number of Germans who would willingly hand over their neighbors to the State for execution would, I think, be barely any higher than the number who … ah fuck it, you get my point.

There's ANOTHER Purge-related story more interesting than the ones we've gotten - Purge Cleanup Services.

and you'd be murdered by THE ENTIRE AV CLUB

My nerd headcanon was "it's actually lunar and midnight is the closest approximation?"

"If you've got the skills and wherewithal to do your basic Shadowrun on your employer while everyone's out trying to beat last year's high score, I imagine you can do well for yourself."

that's actually a plot point in the films - unemployment is at an all time low because you kill the shit out of everyone who can't at least afford to hunker down for the night.

Right - part of the backstory is that the US has a shockingly low unemployment rate and high salaries and everything "because of the purge" but it turns out they're just executing everyone unemployable.

Although a movie about a group of eco-vigilantes trying to blow up a coal processing plant….

What's the legal status of tribal lands during the Pur-
hahahahaha like anyone cares about murders committed on tribal lands OUTSIDE of Purge season.

Man, now I want to know about the legal aspects of the Purge. Like, yeah, the crime was legal, but what about liability shit - you fall down a flight of stairs while Purging and break your arm, can you sue the property owner?

the trunk of a moderately priced minivan?

Ex-news photog, I can sort of answer this:

Uh…. who invited the… person with strong opinions about recording landlords?

I guess the upside is as soon as Apple introduces this technology, people will figure out ways to circumvent it.

I don't doubt for a second that she doesn't think she can "win him back", is what I mean. She is still in love with him.

Yes. IMO it is.