
"Every time I see you is another time you don't get raped by me! Aren't I great?!"

It beats my original worry, which was some variation on "She disappears into the night as a happy ghost, Cold Case-style."

And that when Poussey had the opportunity to use the time machine, she went FORWARD, not back. And was the only one who went forward. (well, her and Soso.)

Can't speak to veterans' experiences, but I'm friends with a guy who recently took a job as a CO. He only watched the first couple episodes of S1, but said the guards on the show were too clean. The stuff that's gone down this season is probably closer to his experiences, when he talks about them.

I think anyone who was around for yesterday's comments thread knows how I feel about the construction of Poussey's death sequence, BUT….

I think that's the point, though - it's this one (literally?) magical night. That's why I'm okay with Bayley and his buddies passing by in the background. It's MEANT to be a surreal evening with impossible things going down.

Macon/Atlanta is about 2.5-3 hours, give or take FUCKING HENRY COUNTY TRAFFIC but anyway, it's a coincidence but not an unreasonable one in a show that does occasionally tend towards moments of…. let's call it "magical realism".

I hope to hell she is.

I sort of implicitly took the ending as "And this is when she got arrested."

IMO Judy King had a couple of main Things to Do:

The Greek Chorus, by way of Beavis & Butt-Head.

that's WHY I'm Team Flaca, daaahling. Not everyone gets to be Poussey. Sometimes you need an assholish Latina goth to keep things frustrating.

Hey, lay off Myles! He was at a feminist media conference!


It's NYC and it's a day trip. No stranger than a bunch of kids from Macon going to Atlanta for the day.

This is another one in the "didn't stick the landing" column. It feels like they wanted to make a statement about the banality of evil (and again, here I am on my "maintaining humanity in an inhumane system" trip) and it was almost meant to be played for like, really really dark laughs?


Oh man, can we go back and discuss that Morello/Nicky scene? Nicky was pretty goddamn inappropriate there, to the point that it probably constituted assault (shoving an unwanted hand down Morello's pants). I got, in context, why Red sent them off together (ha ha you two go make out and make up) but Morello really

I think it's pertinent to the theme of the episode - we saw how many of Litchfield's communities dealt with Poussey's death and remembered her in their own ways. Flaca & Maritza didn't really know her, so they weren't particularly moved by it. Gallows humor.

Shit, that's a great read of that scene.