
My dismal reading: The person she's turning to and smiling at is the cop who's about to arrest her for trespassing and possession.

Watching the episode, I was like "If she walks off into the night and vanishes, I fucking quit."

Both these points are spectacular and accurate IMO.

No lines in the shower = no lines for Chang.

Yup, Coates is a giant piece of shit.

i think that might actually qualify as misandry?!

If he doesn't say something like "Nyeh! Curse that Chapman! The secrets of Litchfield belong to ME!" I'll be disappointed.

1: Hire black writers.

"If they thought Garner's murder was important enough to use it for
symbolism, why would they use it in a way that ignores the very reason his death was important? That doesn't make any sense to me."

My read is that they want to make a statement about these issues, but they way they did was somewhat hamfisted - making Poussey's murder into an "accidental tragedy" while mimicking something that was far more intentional and far more sinister. I'm trying to think of a pop-culture analogue here and I come up with Life

Coates was used as an example of the show trying to humanize a person who is pretty reprehensible - he literally does not understand he is a rapist until he is told so by his victim. Like, the general vibe around here is that many folks are sick of Healy's shit, no matter how hard the show tries to soften the edges

I think I disagree on two levels here:

I'm not saying the show is deliberately attempting to reframe the murder. They are certainly trying to utilize the imagery associated with that murder to tell a story that is very different from the real one, and that's where I have an issue. Turning a real-life killing into a "gosh poor Bayley what a tragic

thanks 4 ur contribution

to whom, white people?

1: we are explicitly not discussing the finale yet.

Way to be condescending for no reason. You feel better now about yourself?

See, that's the thing - as a TV Moment, spectacular and terrible and touching.

Maybe not federal pen, but the state pen for sure. Trespassing on state/county property, possession, etc.

Yes. Hetero white cis genocide is the only solution I find satisfactory, Commander Slipperyslope.