
The prophecy said she would lose all her children. She knew it was coming at this point.

Not when she assumes the throne as Cersei of House Lannister

This is the point. Everyone else is playing chess until Cersei decides it's time to play 52 Pickup.

She was a little busy BLEEDING TO DEATH to talk much.

We see the chandelier every week!

Elsewhere it's been pointed out that there are Dornish ships in Dany's fleet. Presumably Varys was on one and rejoined her at some point.

Brienne & Pod were missing too.

I don't know about THAT. Cersei won. Tommen, a good if misguided kid, died. Almost all the Tyrells died.

In another thread it was said that there's at least one Martell ship in Dany's fleet, implying that they've been underway long enough for Varys to sail back and rejoin Dany with the details of the plan.

He'd given a LOT of thought to that "how many kindergarteners could you take in a fight?" meme.

This makes sense but also ruins my "Varys has a jet ski" theory.

I thought Tyrion was gonna cry.

Benjen doesn't know about the mark. Bran basically forgot about it in the chaos.

He's got a jet ski.

How did Varys get from Essos to Westeros and back in time for the last shot?


That's actually a really good point. This is like, "Very Easy" setting. There's no threats to their actual safety, just women who can be pushed around with relative impunity.

I think this is part of it - the new guards don't get to transfer out to normal civilian life. They've found themselves a space that is basically Extra Time In Afghanistan, But With Beer And Video Games.

yeah, I don't think this is meant to say ALL veterans are assholes. There are some minor guards besides the Main Veteran Guards who seem competent and not murderous (there's a black guy who's name I've never caught who is night shift in one of the dorms)

TBH that's the "house style" for teenage girls today. When I was a teenage boy, it was those weird "goth faerie" things. Or Rob Liefeld. So we've improved at least.