
I think they've both simmered down a bit.

Bonus points for using musical theater trivia to outwit Nazis.

At one point I thought I'd been spoiled for something because a friend of a friend told me (a spoiler that doesn't happen based on a "telephone game" interpretation of something that DID happen).

Won't disclose that out of respect for his privacy.

Quick, tell us about the gorilla that got shot!

Yes to all of this. Rather than provide a functional transition to civilian life, MCC has just given them more of the same. Isolated from the world in a bunker, in a "hostile environment".

No, corrupt. Lots of "fraternization" with inmates, lots of smuggling shit in (they don't make those phones in electrical…), and in some cases literally pimping out inmates.

I dunno, I think that's kind of a thematic point of this season - that the takeover by a corporate entity concerned with the bottom line and little else will fuck up the generally "messed up, but in a workplace sitcom way" atmosphere.

I showed this to a friend who is currently employed as a CO at a county jail in a large city in the Midwest.

Aleida would have pulled out hair by the handful.

"Gamestop doesn't have dental."

I died. Like, had to pause the show. Trying so hard to be offended and badass and whatnot.

And here we go. There's been some dancing around "just how bad are the new guards, anyway?"

I half expected the old lady (who the closed captioning called "Millie") to die of a heart attack at the sight of Blanca and Diablo fucking.

Losing visitation and then having this massive influx of new inmates who are part of an even more narrowly defined "tribe" than "the Spanish girls".

she's too woke for y'all

You cannot un-shut that door, dude. She started a fucking racist hate group in Litchfield. Just saying "I don't wanna be a racist no more" does not undo what she has done. She deserves some degree of guilt/blame for anything that group gets up to now. The blood they spill is at least partially on her hands,

Taking a shower. No lines.

the Lesser Evil dwarves. Clueless, Apathetic, Remorseful, Dipshit, Lazy, Healy, and IMPROV COMEDY WILL HELP YOU REHABILITATE.

I said it in an earlier review - these are the kind of cats who willingly move to fucking Litchfield to stay in dorms and be prison guards for shit wages and practically no benefits. They're either financially desperate or they're looking for the same semi-structured environment as they had in the military