
Maxwell was …not protective of Suzanne, per se, but at least once had a moment where Suzanne was being mistreated and she said something like "the new guards don't know the inmates and don't know when she's dangerous and when she isn't."

This is why I am okay with keeping up with the show despite the many (often quite well argued) thinkpieces about the show's problems with race, class, etc.

Well, no, the chief of police was a water buffalo or wildebeest or whatever he was supposed to be. Clearly an Affirmative Action hire.

GIJoe had some of the wildest tonal swings of any "kids show" out there. You had a story where Shipwreck was being gaslighted by COBRA robots into thinking the war was over and he was retired in order to give up state secrets followed by one where Shipwreck accidentally blows up an orphanage and has to tell the kids

I mean, he could turn out to be an irredeemable piece of shit, but early days.

I did say "damn near everyone". Vee was clearly bad. Linda is clearly bad. But like, Piscatella?

And realistically, Show Varys is such a babyface now that I don't see him orchestrating an assassination at this point.

Arya assassinates Walder wearing the face of one of the Frey sons. The House collapses into infighting and Jaime and Bronn have to clean up the mess.

I would say Kevan and Pycelle are killed by Qyburn as part of Cersei's plan.

Love it. Make it happen next year, team!

I accept this explanation.

The show wants you to be ambivalent. I mean, they want you to be ambivalent about damn near everyone except maybe Flaca who is precious and perfect in every way.

He has a thing for shitty dominant women with aquiline features.

Piscatella seems to be the type who puts maintaining order over all else. If he has to be a dick to someone, he'll be a dick. If he has to be kind, he'll be kind. At the end of the day, his goal is an orderly, well maintained institution.

This show has always been about trying to retain/regain/maintain humanity in an inhumane environment. I think the new crop of guards, particularly the veterans, are a parallel embodiment of that idea. They were in the most inhumane environment of all, war, and lost their humanity - in some cases seemingly entirely.

Cal really is the sort of dude who would be hanging out here were he real.

Uh, sometimes when I get to makin' love, and my woman starts callin' my name… she say

Y'all, we need to talk about Caputo, Linda from Purchasing, Crystal Burset, and Renisha McBride.

Yeah, I think we are of a mind here. :)

"Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value."