
Woooooo Sansa Defense Squad meets here.

God damn, are we watching the same show? Don't trust Littlefinger. NEVER trust Littlefinger. He told you not to trust him in like, the third episode of the fucking show.

Well, unless you're Johnson & Johnson, and then you sue the American Red Cross over the exclusive use of the logo because we're Americans and fuck you, you Swiss fucks.

Nah, Davos has unfinished business with Melly Sanders. That little burnt stag was basically a plot armor talisman for the week.

I have a DVD-R of a full sequence of my head MRIs. You can go through slice by slice by slice. If my degree were in psych, you better believe I'd use an image of my own brain in class somehow.

1: Sansa didn't actually trust Littlefinger to show up?

Do you think she would have sucked his dick if she wasn't in danger of losing her job/career/position?

People shit on the show for being inferior to the books, but fuck it, the one-sided Tormund/Brienne crush is a thing of beauty and genius.

She dead.

friend, this is a tv show review comments section, nobody enjoys anything EXCEPT correcting people on how to like a thing the proper way

uh ACTUALLY it's "tits and dragons" GET IT RIGHT

Yeah, we don't know that Littlefinger wrote back, and we don't know that Jon would have even listened to her.

He un-held the door.


then you're gonna love the U.S. drone strike program


Killing off Ramsey was beneful for the entire cast?

Holy shit, Tormund survived! I didn't expect it, and I'm astonishingly relieved.

I'm now thinking "Luscheck worked at Hollywood Video until the bloody end and was made manager three weeks before the company folded."

I dunno. I'd kind of like to see a Luschek flashback that's just him smoking pot and playing video games when his mom or roommate says "hey, Litchfield prison is hiring, you should check it out." Like, that's the ENTIRE flashback.