
Luscheck is inappropriate but more in a dopey teenaged boy "huh huh, I work with hot chicks" way. You're right about Ford and O'Neil, though - although Ford was such a minor character that I legitimately forgot about him.

I feel like we may have been partners in some of those threads. I wish you could "tag" disqus users, because I'd totally have people as the "Caputo's a Creeper" squad.

The blowjob was just this side of sexual assault. Fig clearly expected some kind of quid pro quo out of it, so at the very least, Caputo took advantage of her desperation in a pretty reprehensible way, even if it doesn't qualify as anything under the law.

Yeah, using the drone to check on the hit man guy.

My first thought was it was Kubra-related. Checking to see if Alex was around.

Oops, replied in the wrong thread.

Honestly I forgot about Yadriel entirely until the review reminded me.

Like Lolly said - he wasn't a very good hit man.

So any calls on Maureen's secret?

I noticed the lack of flashbacks in the episode in a roundabout way - "man, when are we gonna get a Frieda flashback?! Did we get a Frieda flashback? I can't google it now because there might be spoilers! Shit!"

The one-two punch of "Shed Some Skin" and "How Now Lowbrow" may be my favorite ending of any album ever.

#nevertrump doesn't carry as much water with Republicans as #neverhillary, I fear.

"What harm could Bush do?"

Favorite LTJ album as an album, for sure. "All My Friends Are Metalheads" is favorite single track, though.


"Shed Some Skin" from the album of the same name is quite possibly one of my favorite songs ever recorded. I love that track so so so much.

Slow Gherkin, "Run Screaming"

Mike Park is a fucking hero of mine. I have tremendous respect for him, his work ethic, his label, and the music he's made.

as opposed to "the pullet club", meaning a female chicken under one year old.

Ambrose wins MITB. Rollins wins the Rumble. Shield Triple Threat at 'Mania next year.