
or, you know, Littlefinger is as full of shit as he's ever been and he just wants to touch Sansa's hair.

Chekhov's Indian Burn!

boy the men with opinions are coming out of the woodwork tonight

I gotta admit, I sort of like the idea that the finale ends with Jorah riding up to a burnt-out shithole battlefield all "HEY GUYS, YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! I FOUND A CUR- oh."

Given how into Renly she was, I think Tormund isn't quite her type….

Yeah, that should have been a big ol' red flag, Hodor excited to go home.

To be fair - Littlefinger teleported from The Eyrie to just south of the Wall in this episode, too.

turns out when you design indestructible killbots, you need to be careful about the hardware settings

Yeah, i heard they even switched some of the computers in the production department over to Windows.

I'm loving the FUCK out of his Lemmy-Chops, though.

Meera couldn't hold that door for shit.

Well, no. I don't think he can necessarily control what he sees now. He was stuck there (which was as good a place as any to be if you had to mind-fuck young Willas into a one-way ticket to holding a door shut).



Okay, so nobody had Hodor in the dead pool, right?

No, but I also don't read treatises on why the lesser of two evils is actually totally great, we swear.

Man I like the show and the books but I am okay with not reading someone's masters thesis on how Stannis is totally misunderstood and deeply noble and not just another asshole would-be King.

I audibly said "Hell yeah Lode Runner!" while watching.

Their kids had Cabbage Patch Kids in November '83 - that's right about the time that there were literal fistfights in stores trying to get your hands on one.