
Literally the only show I'd put up against it is Rectify, and they're such totally different creatures that comparing them is REALLY difficult.

I also love it when TV shows get local geography correct. Rectify in particular had a scene where a character makes a completely logical error when navigating downtown Atlanta. Like, you could plot their course on a map.

Incorrect. WSB-TV, Atlanta's ABC affiliate, has been 2 since it went on-air post-WW2.

I always wonder how Stannis die-hards feel about Judge Dredd. Dystopian autocrat but at least he follows the rules!

Yeah, Ramsay says point blank that Theon told him everything. He likely knew who Osha was and how dangerous she could be.

Yeah. He has that scene later with… Tyrion, maybe? where he talks about being in the back while his family is up front. So even if we never saw it, another character refers to it.

Tormund is gonna get his heart broken. He is about the farthest thing possible from Renly.

I just want to know how fire climbs dirt steps.

I love how they had to make him stoop so he wasn't OBVIOUSLY six inches taller than Littlefinger.

The term you want is "X-Pac Heat", where the crowd hates the guy so much that they just want him to fucking leave.

Yeah, they've been in the same room before - the feast at Winterfell with Jon in the back.

One of the producers said "this is the first time Jon and Sanda have been in the same scene together" - uh, I don't think so.

It's the oldest ride in the park, but it's still got the longest line! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Really? Wow.

Nah, I hear you, but I also hear HBO saying "We can spend money on this glowing sword Star Wars shit, or we can have the giant smash a dude's fucking head in."

Shit, that's not bad at all. I like it.

What happened to the Greatjon?

Ah shit, is that so? I remember he had fumbling awkward sex with Gilly at some point.


She's on a boat. She spent her entire life on a fuckin' rapefarm and now she's on a boat, sailing to a grand city, with her boyfriend the genius.