
Storm the Vatican, kill the Pope. Sounds easy and consequence-free! (the show has also strongly implied that the High Sparrow is VERY popular with the people, while Tommen et al are, uh, not.)

Not even a "prediction", just the observation that *if* they can bring Jon back every time he dies, they *will*.

Or at least "the Watch will just reheat you every time you die from here on out. I get to be dead-dead, but you? They're never gonna stop bringing you back. Bye!"

Also "I get to be dead now. You'll figure out real soon how lucky I am, dickwipe."

HBO Assistant VP of Buns tried to make something happen there.

"Puberty. Lots and lots of puberty."

Are you kidding? The technologically superior force with better training, armor, and weapons (the Unsullied) get their shit handed to them by a bunch of peasants because they're utterly unprepared for urban guerrilla warfare?

This is about right. Without going into extensive backstory, there's the Old Gods that the Northmen worship (with the spooky trees), that date back to the earliest settlements in Westeros. There's the Faith of the Seven, which is more popular in the South of Westeros and is basically a Polytheist High Catholicism,

Part of it is that Grey Worm basically doesn't know what it's like to BE a person. He's a brainwashed child soldier. Missandei isn't much better off. They don't talk about things, because they don't know how to. Or what they should even be talking about. "Yes. Many of my brothers were murdered by the Sons of the

They were the "the tall one" and "the other one" of the Black Eyed Peas of the Watch Traitors.

Yeah, the first four seasons, Sansa is SUPPOSED to be an insufferable little shit. She's a teenaged girl who's spent her entire life believing she's going to grow up to be a pretty pretty princess and marry a handsome prince and all that fairytale bullshit and then has every last bit of that illusion snatched out

Right - I half expected this fight to end with Dayne taking a poisoned blowgun dart to the neck.

Everyone's nipple colors.

Ned also had another fifteen years' experience when he faced Jaime.

"First time."

A dude who's spent the last ten years living in a fucking tree, much less 300, 1000, whatever, may not have the best conception of time.

"renaissance martial artists" - I know what you meant here, but the mental image is mostly COWABUNGA, DUDES!

I heard the bells on Christmas Day.

It woulda been pretty funny if the Watch tried to burn his body and it just wouldn't go up.

I've also speculated that Dawn would be a complicated prop to work out - a sword that looks like glass and can stand up to the rigors of stage combat? Fuck it, just give him two swords, he's a badass, right? Save the VFX budget for something cooler.