
No, he was ordered to go to the citadel. Fathering a son by Gilly and then declaring that Gilly and his son are all that truly matter to him is a TREMENDOUS breach of his oath to the Watch. He will father no sons and hold no lands, etc.

If ISIS had been around for 1000 years.

Or have him wreck everyone's shit with two swords rather than be like 'he has a magic sword' because to a casual viewer, "well no shit he won, he's got a lightsaber"

It's absolutely a budget thing - IIRC they've said in passing that the Faith's army numbers in the thousands or more, and a direct assault on what amounts to the Vatican by a king would likely push the populace into open revolt.


You guys.

I took her not being in the credits as an intentional surprise for the audience.

We can clearly see how much respect the younger generation has for their ancestors.

you been slackin'

I don't think Ramsay is good at interpreting emotions other than "anger" and "pants-shitting fear" and sometimes he isn't even good with those two.

He was the last one to stab. Jon looked him in the face when he did it. No going back from that.

Kid Umber has a pretty salient point - Jon Snow just let ten thousand crazy-as-fuck Wildlings into the North. If they get up to their usual antics, that's bad news.

I always have to remind myself that Kevan Lannister is who he is, because my image of him when reading the books is SO strong.

good thing they were already wearing brown

"alternate universe" which normally means "The Starks are kids at Winterfell Academy, an elite prep school!" or some such.

SWERVE: Ramsey straight up falls in love with her.

Or the strongly implied "and he kills them/has them disposed of when they get too old".

The Umber also has a more-or-less legitimate grievance w/r/t wildlings.

Also, I don't wonder if Dawn wouldn't have been a really complex special effect compared to "just use two swords, bro."

The Dothraki remake of The Golden Girls is sorely lacking in cheesecake.