
He just came back from the fucking dead. I think he's in a bad mental spot right now.

Home, one presumes. Back to Winterfell.

Let's bring Osha back just to kill the everliving shit out of her.

Great Wikipedia page to fall into - list of deaths at (major amusement park). How many people have died at Disney, and how?!


I actually saw him on a panel years ago at some convention or another. Really cool guy. He told an extended story about doing Saved By the Bell and how it was a giant pain in the ass because you had to work around the kids' school schedules on-set and wait for them to be ready - but once a month or so, he gets a

He was the play-by-play guy during the actual in-game scenes.

I have the TV edit of Human Tornado saved on my TIVO. I haven't found the strength to get around to watching it yet.

Man, the Rollerball remake. Jesus.

"Go buy yourself some dursh powder."

(He was also very kind, while the other c and d list celebrities I met were varying degrees of prickish - Tucker Carlson was *exactly* what you'd expect.)

That's a thing that Rudy Ray Moore seemed to take a great deal of pride in later on in his career - they aren't "good movies," but they were by, for, and of the black community at the time.

If using profanity in the defense of Rudy Ray Moore is wrong, I don't want to be right, you no-business, born insecure, rat soup eating motherfucker.

Yup. There may be a throwaway line about how "that rich n-" lives there, but it's literally "let's bust these black people for having fun."

"You gon' have to TAKE me!"

Legitimately the best thing about working in TV news for four years was getting to interview Rudy Ray Moore.


Yep. Nobody does "rapid fire absurd technical banter" like Ackroyd. It's a weird niche, but by god it's his.

My kid is about old enough to watch it. He's seen clips already - kid is a classic car chase connoisseur.