
ha ha you got caught being awful

I think it was something like "he wasn't actually in a wheelchair, he was missing an arm and half the fingers on one hand, but was also a notorious and inveterate heckler who played the 'you wouldn't hit a one-armed man' card until he found someone who would."

Yeah. Fuckin' Axl OD'd on horse in a McDonald's bathroom.

I tell my students that wrestling is probably second only to pornography as far as shady-as-fuck-but-still-legal-somehow industries go.

I didn't say it was the RIGHT thing to do, friend. I simply said it is what they WILL do.

I have heard anecdotally (and this comes from people who read the 'backstage dirt sheets' and whatnot) that a "woman who can hold her own against the men"-type character is difficult because of various marketing partners. Like, the company that makes the toys doesn't want to be associated with "violence against

No, she was on the season with Flavor Flav. God, why do I remember this shit?

Hogan is alive in spite of himself. Like, that dude really oughta look in the mirror every morning and be like "Is today the day, brother?"

One day, I'm gonna get that "Relevant Achewood Strip" novelty account up and running. Until then:

Weirdly enough, I just saw an article last week about how a lot of the shit about Ty Cobb was inflated after his death. He was apparently a cheap son of a bitch, but always wrote back to kids, wrote an editorial for some sports paper or the other about how "there's no reason Negroes shouldn't play baseball with

Offhand, Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten both died in the last month or so. I think I heard Iron Mike Sharpe died too?

You forgot cocaine. Lot of big names in the 80s and 90s were coked to the fucking gills. Otherwise, this is on-point.

I expect WWE to slowly work on building a "fallen angel" narrative around her. "She was so gifted, so talented, but struggled with so many personal demons. We all wanted her to succeed, we loved her so much, but she kept pushing us away and burning bridges. Gosh, what an awful loss."

Hey, that's me!

When the Brits bring in pop ephemera, it's inevitably cool as shit, though. Someone once showed up with a bunch of EARLY EARLY Sex Pistols stuff. Like, a couple ticket stubs from their fourth or fifth concert and an original tour t-shirt and whatnot.

I consider myself a Dolemitologist of some degree, so I am psyched for this. Probably the highlight of my short career in tv news was convincing my managing editor that I had to go cover Dolemite doing a set at a theater in town. I got to meet the man himself, say hi, ask a few questions, and completely forgot to ask

"Dursh powder"


Dolemite II is fucking amazing.

No, that's "Human Tornado", which holds up reasonably well except for one REALLY uncomfortable gay stereotype.