
Nothing wrong with mobile. I spend half my waking hours playing Threes. But when game publishers dredge up old franchises like Dungeon Keeper and RollerCoaster Tycoon just to bastardize them in an attempt to make a quick buck off microtransactions and other horrendous monetization practices, some rage is most

Ricky Gervais is already annoying!

So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?

Here it is. He sent this, and another one, which was signed by everyone on the 22Cans team.

Excellent piece. Peter's a strange guy, but he's definitely fascinating. He wrote me a letter of recommendation for a job offering after I sent him a letter in the mail!

As long as JJ Abrams isn't involved I'd love to watch it. DS9 was all about storytelling which unfortunately isn't considered a "selling point" of the franchise any more.

Until a couple of years ago I'd have said TNG, but I dated a girl who made me binge-watch DS9 with her and she converted me to her cause. That show is amazing—-and also way ahead of its time. Imagine what a show concept like that could do if it were made today, with the benefit of being able to do full serialization

Agreed, DS9 had some great story arcs.

I like the TNG characters better, but DS9 is a better show.

I'd gladly pay $0.99 to punch him in the face.

Taken from Wikipedia:

Give him a full tower PC, containing only another PS2.

Nah, get him an Atari and Custer's Revenge.

Somebody get him a WiiU.

You're right. Kotaku is taking things out of proportion. Nothing was ripped. Nintendo doesn't own green pipes. The fish is very different from what Nintendo has made.

I played that game , I'm not saying the idea is original. But they are two very different games. One gives you a chance to survive and the other ends instantly , personally I think the rip off plays better. It isn't plagiarism though. It's a knock off.

Defending something someone else made doesn't make me his father no.

Not that I'm a huge fan of this game or anything (tried it and got to 54 and never picked it up again) But..

OK Kotaku, you've done your journalistic duty and exposed this game as a terrible rip-off with crap gameplay. Now please, if you have any journalistic integrity, stop reporting on it! Don't give this garbage any more publicity. Don't let Nguyen think he can have the world's fascination for producing such shit.