
Or, counterpoint: maybe the reviewers have their heads up their asses entirely.

C-? I give the reviewer a D+. Put that in your pipe (along with the massive amounts of crack that you'd have to smoke not to enjoy this show more than you did) and smoke it?

I do want to see that superhero team, though. Someone other than that dude should write the comic, though.

Yeah, HoC has sucked pretty badly as it's gone on.

"Previews made it look like maybe we're on our way to another post-Reggie
Ledoux scenario with the protagonists made into heroes and with a
premature false-resolution to the Caspere murder. But in our times would
cops be heroized for eventually killing the bad guys and surviving or
vilified for initiating such a

It just seems like there are a lot of people assiduously tuning in on Sunday nights just so they can bitch on Monday morning about how the show isn't as good as the previous season and that Vince Vaughn can't act/isn't given good lines.

Totally. This won't be like Speed or a similar work where half the city gets destroyed and the cops in question will just shrug it off and get back to their sexy careers. They'll be lucky to keep their jobs and/or their sanity.

I'm another one of the seemingly rare people who are enjoying the show. The shootout, which was fucking emotionally intense and not played for action, like so many people assume. It was presented the way violence should be presented more which is as violent.

I would cut the rest of the episode more slack, but definitely had the same reaction. That shootout was pretty intense.

I caught that, too. Is it possible that that was just a minor technical error?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

This was a reliable source, but most of the time, yeah, it wouldn't do any serious damage. I'm probably splitting hairs that don't need splitting.

I heard a story as a kid about someone shooting a dog with rock-salt as a non-lethal deterrent, only to have the salt go straight through the dog, killing it.

I think kevlar and blind luck (i.e., deus ex machina) are also factors.

Yeah, it doesn't translate well to text.

It's vintage!

Why stop there? Why not do Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and the Godfather?

I wish they would have kept going with adaptations of the Flashman novels. They did Royal Flash with Malcolm McDowell in the 70s, it got panned (unfairly in my book), and they stopped.

Yeah, it's not so much bad as boring.