
How about some of the Flashman novels?

"It was on the bestseller list for eighteen months! Every magazine cover had…
… one of the most popular movies of all time, sir! What were you thinking?"

Manos is barely an outline, so you would have a lot of room to do whatever you wanted.

The Omega Man was sheer comedic brilliance. The book takes fighting the undead and makes it such a downer.

I loved this album when it came out and remember it being one of the best album that year. I love that this album continues to get its due. I can't believe it's 12 years old, now.

My girlfriend thought that, too, so y'all are not alone.

Thanks! I only visited once, but it sure looked like it. If Season 1 is any guide, someone will do a guide to all of the exteriors/sets that they use.

Also, he took a Viagra. They were probably just getting started.

Add to that the fact it's set in Texas, and I really don't care.

You might know this then: was the set of David Morse's center the Wayfarer's Chapel is Palos Verdes?

A friend of a friend (maybe of a friend) compiled a playlist of Beatles covers, eschewing the obvious. Google "delete the Beatles."

They're just shitting all over George. Fuck them.

I don't think he was earnest, but instead sold himself as being earnest. I feel like he was the most professional songwriter of the Beatles. He wrote great songs, but he wasn't putting himself into them. They don't speak from the heart (or spleen) like Lennon's. I don't think McCartney's songs reveal very much about

It's not sad-bastard music like Eleanor Rigby.

I stand corrected.

I don't hate the song, but I don't think earnestness is Paul's real strength (maybe not Lennon's or Harrison's either), regardless of who the narrator is supposed to be (it's not important). This is a guy who wrote great songs like "Martha My Dear" (about his sheep dog), "Helter Skelter" (because he wanted critics to

It's not the same thing at all. Eleanor Rigby is ostensibly a recording released as a performance by the Beatles. Beethoven, Mozart, and other "classical" composers wrote music on paper to be performed by others, as did most composers of any kind of music prior to recording technology.

95% of their output is so utterly essential. It's to the point where I'm very dismissive of anyone who says that the Beatles are their favorite band. Everybody's favorite band is (or should be) the Beatles. When someone asks you what your favorite band is, they're really asking "Who do you like in addition to the

It's depressing and condescending (it's great that you look at all the lonely people…out of the window of your chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce, Sir Paul; I'm sure they appreciate it). It also has a special place on my shit list as being a song that none of the Beatles play an instrument on.

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?