
My only complaint was also the E song. I'm never in the mood to hear Eleanor Rigby, but I'm always down for Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.

1) Did I ever indicate that I didn't love the show? No. 2) I didn't ask for specific examples of how she was a good person. I just noted overall that she had her own flaws relating largely to her attempts at treating someone untreatable (this is discussed at at least two junctures in the series) for what can readily

Someone else mentioned that and it's a good point, but I think it's important to note that her willingness to keep treating him is questionable.

Fair enough, but a reasonable person would have run screaming from her relationship with Tony.

I feel like 4 is where the show is doing what it does best. It is the quintessential Sopranos season, even if maybe there are better episodes or moments elsewhere in the series.

Yeah, but it isn't until the end of the series, and it takes a dinner party full of colleagues to shame her out of her lurid fascination with Tony.

I really think 2-4 (maybe even 5) are the heart of the show. There was kind of a formula: someone rocks the boat (Pussy, Richie, Jackie, Ralph, Feech, Tony B.), Tony hems and haws, the boat-rocker dies (Feech being the exception), usually at Tony's hand/command. But the formula is sound, and it really shows you who

Season 5 sucked so bad. The whole "my dad used to read the paper" speech ruined all of the previous similar speeches ("these docks used to be busy," "policemen used to talk to people in the neighborhood," etc.). It really tarnished the show's legacy in my book.

I rewatch the Sopranos, usually beginning somewhere in Season 2, at least once a year. I feel like I sympathize with the characters less as people every time I watch it. Characters are either depraved sociopaths (and not just the mafiosi) or otherwise deeply flawed (just why does Melfi take Tony back as a patient,

I have a really hard time watching the episodes featuring Livia. She's just that grating/powerfully-performed.

When I saw the words "Rob Corddry" and "gratingly boring," I assumed they were talking about him.

The song feels like a one note joke to me, but I feel like the hatred that most people have for this song is total pose. "I hate things that are happy. I'm going to go cut myself and then cry myself to sleep while clutching my Morrissey doll." When you look at some of the other music that got the same amount of

I'm late to this party. I just wanted to comment on how clunky the line about "Today the mad scientist can't get a doomsday device, tomorrow it's the mad grad student" is. The logic doesn't work and it feels really forced. It wouldn't stand out to me so much if this weren't such a great episode. I have to grit my

That song ("Dream Away") has been stuck in my head for 30+ years.I think I ended up downloading it from iTunes.

You used the word "historiography" to describe my small-town, hayseed biases, and you accuse me of "hipster-ish douchery?"

Where I'm from in northern MI, we celebrate the local, pro-French, anti-British/Iroquois Ojibwe victory over the British in a huge pageant on Memorial Day weekend. I simply can't identify with the protagonists. I root for Wes Studi.

He could do it. He's that good.