
“Ted Cruz? An inspiration to every kid in America who worries that he’ll never be able to run for president because nobody likes him. He’s running. And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.”

I already posted this on the mainpage, but here it is. It’s just so goddamn jarring to witness the visceral hatred of minorities at these rallies. These white folks are real fucking angry, y’all. I know they kind of assigned blame to Obama for each and every one of their troubles, but this outright racism is so hard

As an Orlando resident:

Don’t buy the whole, “we should just have more compassion for them” thoughtline.

It’s a psychological technique to separate ourselves from evil. But evil is banal. It’s not a strong force, it’s an edifice of human weakness.

It is important to understand that people who do horrible things aren’t monsters. They are humans who made horrible choices. I think calling them Monsters takes away their agency and their responsibility for making those choices.


Can we just leave Bill O’Reilly out of this.

“Greg Stil—I mean, Donald Trump”

My dad is enjoying the hell out of this because he believes this will rip the Republican Party apart. He really wants to see them go down in flames. This is my dad watching them:

In the red corner, weighing in at $250 million, the Stormin’ Mormon, the Massachusetts Flipper, The Corporation’s Champion, The Vulture Capitalist MITT ROMNEY!

This guy’s economic plan was: when the world sees a white dude is back in charge they’ll start investing in America.

More like the mandatory braille on an elevator button.

Mitt is just mad because one time he invited Trump over to compare their binders of women and Trump said that all of Mitts picks were YUUUGGEEE LOSERS.

Mitt calling Trump a fraud and a phony? Pot, kettle, black, Mittens. You’re as much an empty suit who got by on his father’s connections as any other establishment Republican.