
Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.

Edit: Nevermind, whoosh right over my head.

This is Kotaku after all.

this is a rare looping supa hot fire meme, it only appears once every 10,000 gawker comments

The guy walking across the foreground divides the frame in two. The part behind him starts looping that section of the sequence from earlier in the video. As he moves, you see the earlier frames revealed behind him.

What you have in this gif is just the original video without the background replaced behind him. Two

I really wanna see the original video this was from


Every time I see that I’m confused as to why you see the guy’s body on the right before the gif resets.


great, now you reminded me, now I’m crying again ‘cause of this game.

Lol they allude to the injustice story in BvS

Wow, that was really was a great trailer. Maybe Warner Bros should get the folks at Netherealms to take control of the DC universe movies away from that bonehead Zack Snyder! Judging by that trailer, I think they’re more capable than he.

praise the sun?

You get Fallout 4! And you get Fallout 4! EVERYBODY gets Fallout 4!

Yeah, for a dying system there’s still a lot to play...