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    Any idea what hagerty video that was? That's nuts

    I honestly wonder what happens to an EV’s battery health if a particular car is stashed in a field for a season or two (at least) before it’s sold as a “new car”? Even if that battery hasn’t been used yet, I can’t imagine that sitting in a field for weeks or even months just open to the elements, like we’ve seen in

    It really is astounding. They accused our Lord and saviour of fraud, when the whole time he WANTED TO WORK, just in slightly different ways (at least in accommodation to his injuries). They had a dude who was clearly dedicated and loyal to walking for Walmart... and just drove him out.

    I’ve been seriously thinking about a Honda element, actually. I do a lot of woodworking, so buying lumber is something I do a lot of, as well as keeping an eye out for good craiglist/FB marketplace deals on big tools.

    EVERY car needs to have options for wood side panels. I refuse to believe that is a car out there that wouldn’t be improved with some cozy wood stuck on the sides.


    My mother actually had a mustang II back in the mid 70s, and if you ask her what she thought of it - oh boy, get ready to sit down and listen. She could go on and on about how much she hated that car.

    The Saab Scania emblem of the 80's was cool, but it doesn’t even come close to the awesomeness of the airplane style emblem on the 96 that incorprated the grill itself as the wings.

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    Seth Alvo from “Berm Peak” and “Berm Peak Express” did a really good video a few years back about reviewers and the “free products/press products” that he gets for review... and how it’s so much worse and more cumbersome than people ever realize.

    RFK JR, somewhere out there:

    Oh man, Jet Grind Radio. What a classic. I actually still have that for my Dreamcast and replayed it earlier this year.

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    Answers with Joe/Joe Scott just did a really neat recent video about deep sea diving and, specifically, the Byford Dolphin Incident, that goes over a lot of this stuff as well.

    Someone with this much amount of internet whining and anger. Dear lord. You must be so constipated.

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    That reminds me of the half as interesting video about how North Korea’s role at the UN basically involves the country itself becoming a slumlord/extortion scheme to the poor North Koreans who end up getting stuck living and working there.

    That reminds me of Anthony Bourdain’s visit to Singapore in Parts Unknown. He was INCREDIBLY conflicted with Singapore - he appreciated that there seemed to be a genuinely high quality of life, that religious and cultural identities are, for the most part respected, that housing for everyone is a priority, and that

    2) Reservations were open world wide”

    Me trying so hard to resist the urge to write a snarky comment about...you know....

    Mostly, I think the answer is that you know EXACTLY what you’re doing here. This is an entire writeup built out of the premise of “WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THINGS THAT I DON’T LIKE?!”

    I can't imagine they're even personally driving any cars themselves anyway. Let alone that deathtrap