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    Mike can certainly relate to that situation.

    Honestly, it’s pretty impressive to make sure that in a story about glitches in a game this website fits thematically. It took three times of refreshing to even get the comments to appear, in once they finally appeared the page froze out and still needed to be glitched. And this is becoming a regular experience for

    “Why is the article so mean-spirited? Why does he hate Hugh Jackman so much that he bursts into tears when hearing him sing? Is this guy okay?”      Not just that, but seeing Sanderson’s 15 year old son salt his Yakisoba makes him CRY. So either

    Not just that, but Sisi keeps referring to his criminal charges as a “lawsuit”.

    Jesus Christ, thats both horrifying and hilarious.

    I’m more curious about what they are going to do about Sylens in the Horizon series.

    The genshin one she did recently was super weird. Like its totally fine for someone to have their own opinions and all, but her genshin piece was just objectively incorrect. She was writing about how there aren’t good stories for female characters in genshin, and in the process she ignored the many stories featuring

    Yep, that whole recent expanded storyline with Jeht was really well done. Sisi is complaining about how there aren’t any “morally ambiguous” female characters but that is EXACTLY what Jeht is. She is written to be an intensely loyal person with integrity, who is willing to kill at a moment’s notice to protect others,

    100% agree with everything you wrote. A few years back, one of my closest lifelong friends just collapsed when he was riding his bike - and died just a few minutes later. As it turned out, he had this rare genetic condition that weakened his aortic wall and put it at a very high risk of rupturing; he was super fit and

    In the list of “favorite” characters from the wire, people tend not to mention Daniels, but I loved every scene of Lance Reddick. He didn’t have the most dramatic storylines of the other cops like Lester, Bunk and McNutty, nor did he quite chew the scenery like Omar. But Reddick was such a consistent presence in the

    Completely agree with you - I thought that Virginia’s highway cops were known for being really strict with speeding tickets.

    Diamond Dames DX sounds like if Hideo Kojima made his own reboot of the Golden Girls. I would LOVE to see Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia and Rose running their own private military base.

    As much as I adore the golden girls, SMT and Persona games, I don’t think this game has any real chance of surviving. I don’t get why projects like this *have* to actually use protected IP names. All they have to do is NOT name it “Golden Girls take manhattan” and just use names that are legally distinct but still get

    I was expecting the worst and that clip was somehow even worse than I imagined. Holy shit. Its almost like whoever was the showrunner/head writer was obsessed with the comedy central roasts of that era, and thought whatever they wrote was the funniest shit imaginable.

    I never even noticed that before, and now I want to bleach my brain. It’s not even like its super pervy or anything, but when it comes from Musk it definitely ups the “ick” factor quite a bit.

    So far my phone has been constantly freezing or crashing with this new kotaku look, and even when it's not crashing, everything is super laggy. Thanks herb

    I mean, everyone’s watching, to see what he will do. And everyone is definitely looking at him.

    It really just sucks to see the decline on all of the sites. I’m by no means an OG regular, but I’ve been an ungreyed commenter on most of the GMG sites since 2009 or 10, and yeah...it’s gotten so just so much worse over time. Such little moderation and functionality leading to so much increased toxicity.

    Funded by Soros of course, with microchips supplied by Bill Gates

    Yep, it’s definitely NOT an overstatement. I had an 86 year great aunt that knew what angry birds was, and she played with a niece of mine that was 7 at the time - and the only other game she knew about and played was Wii Sports.